programme 2024

4th January - Welcome and Internal Knockout Competition

Our usual start to the year; a warm welcome, socialising and the fun knockout competition..

11th January - Alison Mees - ZOOM

Living the African Dream (Part 2)

Alison presented to us in January 2023 with stunning images and involving stories from Africa. This is Part Two of the story. The first part of the talk takes to Zambia where it all started for Alison. She will cover some stories of her time there, wildlife and communities. The 2nd half Alison will talk about a day on safari, covering light, speed and angles.

Please note this is a Zoom evening.

Image © Copyright Alison Mees 2023

18th January - Mike Martin

Dance My Way
Mike's journey into photographing dancers and incorporating them into some creative compositions in the first half and some miscellaneous images in the second half.

Note: Expected hand in date for mono competition

Image © Copyright Mike Martin 2023

25th January - Colin Harrison - ZOOM

Colin is presenting to us on Flower Photography.

Image © copyright Colin Harrison 2023

1st February - Annual Quiz and Social Q&A

For the third year, our photographic quiz takes the first half of the evening. After the break we have a social / Q&A. Anything you want to ask of the committee or any suggestions you have to improve the club, make it more fun, attract new members or anything else - let's all talk about it.

08th February - Mono Competition

Our annual mono competition featuring both Open and Aspiring trophies for the second time. Last year had many excellent entries - check out Mono 2023 to take a look.

Note: Expected hand in date for frist appraisal

15th February - Dean Packer

THe joys (and frustrations) of photography in Japan.

22nd February - Graham Harries

Graham gave us a superb presentation in 2022 on Chernobyl. His 2024 presentation is bound to be excellent and not to be missed.

29th February - First Appraisal of the year

Your images will be appraised by an experienced photographer and, if necessary, some guidance given as to how the image may be further improved. Images will be appraised on their individual merit and not against each other. There will be no winners or losers!


7th March - Tracey Lund - ZOOM

Tracey returns to us with Part 2 of her Wildlife and Travel Presentation


14th March - Colin Southgate - Infrared and Other DistractionsZOOM

Colin showed us amazing abstract images a couple of years ago. He returns with infrared and more for us to enjoy and to inspire us to try something different.

Image © Copyright Colin Southgate 2023

21st March - Brian Northmore - ZOOM

An evening with Brian Northmore. More details shortly.

28th March - Easter Break


4th April - Peter Crane

Street Photography My Way

11th April - Al Ritchie - Easy Portraits

This evening covers some of the basics of setting up and taking portraits, combined with a number of practical opportunities - so bring your cameras if you want to try this for yourself.

Note: Expected hand in date for Living World Competition

Image © Copyright Al Ritchie 2023

18 April - Critique Evening (Hall)

This is where you, the club members, become the appraisers. A number of prints from outside the club will be available to view and appraise. Working in groups, we assess what is good and where improvement could be made to these images, before presenting our thoughts back to the rest of the club.


25th April - Ian Bateman

Ian is a leading light in the world of AVs, a genre we have not visited for quite a while. A great opportunity to re-acquaint ourselves of this world.


Image ©Copyright Ian Bateman 2024


2nd May - Living World Competition (Hall)

The competition has new rules, and will now be split into two: Flora and Fauna and will only be open to DPIs. Hand in date 11th April


9th May - Peter Alvey

Transports of Delight - probably!

Image © Copyright Peter Alvey 2024

Note: Expected hand in date for second appraisal of the year

16th May - Our Special Interest Groups Present (Hall)

Details to follow

23rd May - Glenys Garnett - ZOOM

Presentation 1 - Get Creative

30th May - Quarterly Appraisal (Hall)

Your images will be appraised by an experienced photographer and, if necessary, some guidance given as to how the image may be further improved. Images will be appraised on their individual merit and not against each other. There will be no winners or losers!

6th June - AGM and Nailsea Town Council Trophy (Zoom)

Our Annual AGM, brought forward this year, plus the annual "6 in 1"competition. Last year's winner is on the right.


Summer Break; next meeting on 12th September

Have a great summer and see you then.

12th September - Club Opening Night

A big welcome evening to start the autumn programme

19th September - Glyn Edmunds - ZOOM

More details to follow

Note: Expected hand in date for the third appraisal of the year.

26th September - Claire Carter - ZOOM

More details to follow

3rd October - Experience

An opportunity for our members to try out types of photography they may not have tried before. More info to come.

10th October - Quarterly Appraisal (Hall)

Your images will be appraised by an experienced photographer and, if necessary, some guidance given as to how the image may be further improved. Images will be appraised on their individual merit and not against each other. There will be no winners or losers!


17th October - Bob Bishop

An Audio Visual Retrospective
Over the years Bob has produced many AV`s and whilst these have been shown at Club in the past, the majority of the current membership will not have been acquainted with them. So an ideal time to put that right!

24th October - Andrew King - ZOOM

Wedding Photography

31st October - Grete's Annual Outdoor Evening

More to follow.

Note: Expected hand in date for Print and DPI of the Year Competition

7th November - Sam Binding

Misty Landscapes. More details shortly.

14th November - Alison Mees - ZOOM

In India.

21st November - Print and DPI of the Year

Our annual competition of the very best of our members work over the last 12 months

28th November - Critique Evening

Our second and final critique evening of the year.

8th December - Adrian Wyatt

More details to follow

12th December - Christmas Show and Tell

This evening stays in it's pre-Christmas slot. After the huge success of the last Show and Tell, this will be a great evening.


Christmas Break; next meeting on 02 January 2025

Have a great Christmas and New Year.