Thursday saw our members being entertained by presentations from our Speciality Group members. Backwell Camera Club has several Speciality groups catering to member needs and interests. Those groups are Photoshoot (special events), Practical, Travel and Community (invites from local non-profit organisations). Members of the public were invited to attend with the sweetener of free membership for the rest of this year!
The various groups demonstrated our members’ photographic inventiveness, creativity and skill in their chosen genres as well as their versatility – this wasn’t lost on our new attendees who expressed surprise at the creativity and diversity of our members.
All in all the evening was an enjoyable and successful event. Backwell Camera Club extends a hearty thank you and welcome to all who participated and attended. Also many thanks to the individual group organisers for all their hard work and effort to make the evening a success – without you the evening could never have happened.
Review by Cynthia Miller
Image by Sa Stafford