Living World Competition

On Thursday 2nd May we held our annual Living World competition. This competition has two sections – Fauna and Flora – with trophy awarded for each. Judging was by Rob Hislop who provided clear and helpful detail on why an image was or was not selected, ideas on how to improve images and did great job of judging.

Placed Results:

Fauna: Flora:
First: Alan Wood – A Gannet Conflict First: Nick Cambourne – Tulip Time
Second: Sandra Stafford – Swans by the Lake Second: Mary Pears – Wildflower Meadow
Third: Ken Hunt – Cheetah Third: Anna Dagger – Iris
Highly Commended:
Tracey Thomas – Harvest Supper
Cynthia Miller – One Tufted Duck
Highly Commended:
Sandra Stafford – Bullrush at Dawn
Alan Wood – Wood Anemone
Tracey Thomas – Come on give usb kiss
Mary Pears – Hare Encounter
Ken Hunt – Dragonfly
Nick Cambourne – Four Flowers
Cynthia Miller – Reeds at Backwell Lake
Ken Hunt – Three Cornered Garlic

To see the First, Second and Third in each category, please click on the image below.